
If you have any questions, call us at 800-292-6428 during the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (ET) Monday through Friday.

Frequently-asked Questions

Q: Which internet browsers can be used to view the training site?

A: Recommended browsers include:

      • Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher
      • Chrome 25.0 or higher
      • Firefox 18.0 or higher

Q: How do I reset my password?

A: From the Site log in page, click on the Forgot Password box and follow the directions to reset your password. An email will be sent after you submit your reset request to the email address in your profile. Please make sure you have a valid email address in your profile to complete the password reset process.  Every 180 days, you will be prompted to change your password for security best practices.

Q: Why is my course not launching?

A: We use popup windows to give you fast, easy self-service features. When a course launches, it opens in a new window that is considered a popup.  To use these features, you must first disable your popup blocker for our Website. Rest assured we use popup windows only to bring you the best possible eLearning services on the Web. You will NOT see popup advertisements on this site. To find out how, select your browser:

Q: The video in my course will not play.  What is wrong?

A: There may be an issue with the Java version currently installed on your computer.  Click on the Troubleshooting page under the Help menu to download instructions on how to change your Java security settings so you will be able to run the video.

Q: I need the Flash plugin.  How do I get it?

A: This free plugin can be downloaded from the Adobe website. Click on the link to download a free copy of Adobe Flash.